Darija Martinov was born on March 10, 1987 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- COST Action CA22101 - Cultural Expertise Junior Network (K-Peritia), 2024 - 2027
- Positive obligations of the member states of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms regarding the right to life according to the interpretation of the European Court of Human Rights, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research; project leader, 2019-2020
- Civic Act, project by the Futurelab Europe and the European Policy Center in Brussels; project advisor and lecturer, 2018
- Letters to Europe – refugee women write, project by the Futurelab Europe and the European Policy Center in Brussels; project advisor and coauthor of the publication, 2017
- Drugs or life-don't chose drugs, but life, project by NGO “Sjaj” and local governments; participant, 2011 - 2017
- CalendArt, project by the The Balkan writers project organization; participant, 2017
- Europe for your thoughts – European culture and values, project organized by The European Fund for the Balkans, the College of Europe and The TRANSFUSE Association; project coordinator and coauthor of the publication, 2011-2012
- Harmonization of business law between Serbia and European Union, project by the Ministry of science and technological development and Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade; research associate, 2010 - 2011
- Participant of „Migration and human rights law“ Summer school organized by The Faculty of Law and Administration of University of Szczecin and the Faculty of Law of University Vitez, 20 – 23. June 2022
- The International academic conference Kopaonik School of Natural Law on the topic of „Law and the power of mind“, organized by the Association of Jurists of Serbia, Kopaonik, 12-17. December 2019
- The Annual FLE conference, Brussels, January 2018
- Meeting Russia public diplomacy program for young leaders organized by the Creative diplomacy and PICREADY Center for Support and Development of Public Initiatives, Moscow, 15-19. February 2017
- The Annual FLE conference, Brussels, January 2017
- FLE Alumni Council and intergenerational reunion, 27-29. November 2016
- The International academic conference Kopaonik School of Natural Law on the topic of „Law and the Authonomy of person“, organized by the Association of Jurists of Serbia, 13-17. December 2015
- Futurelab Europe Spring Conference, Brussels, 12.-13. April 2015
- “25 years after: the challenges of building the post-communist media and communication industries”, Prague, 20-22. November 2014
- The International scientific Congress “The relationship between regional law and the EU law” , Pale (Istočno Sarajevo), 24-25 October 2014
- The annual FLE conference in Brussels, January 2014
- EFB Community Meeting “Envisioning Europe, Sarajevo, May 2014
- The high – level expert conference “Vienna +20 – Advancing the Protection of Human Rights”, Vienna, 27 – 28 June 2013
- The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Vienna Liaison “Leadership Challenges of the 21st Century: The Prevention of Violence against Women and Femicide” conference, Vienna, March 2013
- The EFB Community Meeting, Zagreb, October 2012
- Stanford – Vienna Human Rights Conference, Vienna, 20 – 22 June 2011
- The European Fund for the Balkans and College of Europe Spring Seminar, Brussels and Bruges, April – May 2012
- The Human Rights Impact Assessment Seminar, Vienna, April 2012
- Stanford – Vienna Human Rights Conference, Vienna, 20–22 June 2011
“Creating a common European future: integration of young migrants in Europe”, Futurelab Europe and European Policy Centre, 2015, 22 and 32
“Excessive disproportion in contract law”, doctoral dissertation, Novi Sad, 2021
“Positive obligations of member states of teh European Convention on Human Rights regarding the right to life, according to the interpretation by the European Court of Human Rights”, Novi Sad, 2020
“Excessive use of force by the law enforcement officials in the light of Articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights”, doctoral dissertation, Vienna, 2019
„Harmonization of business law between Serbia and the European Union “, Belgrade, 2011 (chapter called “Business ethics and social responsibility of business”)
“Life insurance contract – concept and basic characteristics”,, European Insurance Law Review, vol.23. no.2, 2024, 30-50
“Contemporary regulation of rebus stantibus clausula in select European countries”, Collection of papers from “The dynamics of modern legal order” International Scientific conference, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica Faculty of Law and Institute for Comparative Law, Kosovska Mitrovica, 2024, 68-82
“The Chechnya cases as an illustration of the way the European court interpreted the procedural obligation under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights”, SCIENCE International journal, vol. 3, no. 1, 2024, 163-166
“Commercial contracts and excessive damage – specificities of insurance contracts due to their aleatory character”, European Insurance Law Review, vol.22. no.2, 2023, 11-27
“The development of the understanding of equal consideration through the rules of just price from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century”, Glasnik - Journal of Legal Theory and Practice of the Bar Association of Vojvodina, vol. 95, No. 2, 2023, 425-47
"The relationship between the principle of equal consideration and other basic principles in the Law of Obligations - summary", International Scientific Conference Law between the ideal and the reality – collection of summaries, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica Faculty of Law and Institute for Comparative Law, 2023, 122-123
"The relationship between the principle of equal consideration and other basic principles in the Law of Obligations", Law between the ideal and the reality, thematic conference proceedings, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica Faculty of Law and Institute for Comparative Law , 2023, 403-416
“The creation and development of positive obligations of states signatories of the European Convention for protection of Human Rights and Fundamental freedoms”, Civitas, no. 12, vol.2, 2022, 419-442
"Evolution of business ethics and sociallz responsible business with special reference to the period of economic crisis", Collection of papers of Faculty of Law, University Vitez, no. 8, 2022, 19-44"
“McCann and Others v. the United Kingdom and positive obligations pertaining to the planning and control of the operations of law enforcement in line with Article 2 of the ECHR1”, Glasnik - Journal of Legal Theory and Practice of the Bar Association of Vojvodina, vol. 93, No. 3, 2021, 665-699
“The concept and constitutive elements of a usurious contract”, Pravni život (Juridical life), No. 10, vol.2, 2019, 655-675
“The principle of equal consideration and laesio enormis in contract law”, Collection of papers of Faculty of Law in Novi Sad, No.2, 2015, 889-908
“The rebus sic stantibus clause in the contract law of the Republic of Serbia”, Pravni život (Juridical life), vol. 2, No. 10, 2015, 621-639
“The efficiency principle and the right to a trial within reasonable time in civil procedure of Republic of Serbia”, Collection of papers from Scientific gathering “Relationship between the regional legal systems and the EU law”, Faculty of Law of the University of Istocno Sarajevo, 2015, 249-272
“Misconception and legal consequences of misconception”, The lawyers’ association of Vojvodina’s journal, vol.74, No.2, 2014, 79-106
„Europe must act – the refugee crisis in the eyes of young people“, The European Policy Center, Brussels, 2015
“Europe for your thoughts”, Podgorica, 2012
“What is the underlying cause of young people’s disengagement in institutional politics”, The European Policy Center, 2016
“Migration trends in Serbia”, The European Policy Center, 2015
Meeting Russia public diplomacy program for young leaders, Moskva, 15. - 19. February 2017
The European and Comparative Law studies, Faculty of Law of Humboldt University (Master level studies), Berlin, 1.March - 1. August 2016
Worked at the German Parliament (Bundestag) as an IPS Programme participant, Berlin, 1. March - 1. August 2016
Human Rights course (Master studies), University of Oslo and the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Oslo, 19. June - 31. July 2015; among 5% of students who passed the final exam with the highest grade A
Training seminar in Nansen Dialogue Methodology and Nansen method for integrated education organised by the Nansen Centre for Peace and Dialogue, Lilehamer, 14. - 19. June 2015
The Futurelab Europe programme, Brussels, 2014 - 2015
The Hague Academy of International Law (The Public International Law Session), The Hague, 7.-15. July 2014; accepted to Directed studies as one of 22 participants (out of 300 Academy students)
Passed the Republic of Serbia bar exam with distinction from Administrative law, Novi Sad, 2.April 2014
The Leadership development programme by the European Fund for the Balkans, Transfuse Association and College of Europe, Vienna, Bratislava, Brussels and Bruges, 27. August 2011 - 30. April 2012
University of Vienna: Human Resources Development Programme for selected SEE Universities organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research in the frame of University of Vienna, Vienna, October 2010 - February 2011
Due to her academic excellence (Faculty of Law in Novi Sad: diploma studies finished with an average grade point of 9,50, LL.M. studies finished with an average grade point of 10,00, Ph. D. studies finished with an average grade point of 9,00 with 10 being the highest grade; Faculty of Law in Vienna: Ph. D. studies with an average grade point of 1,2, with 1 being the highest grade), Darija Martinov received Government of Serbia Young Talents Fund’s scholarship for several academic years. She was also awarded scholarships by the Ministry of science and technological development and by the Ministry of education of Republic of Serbia.
She received two Special awards for academic excellence by the University of Novi Sad, as well as three Awards for academic excellence and one Award for scientific work by the same University. She recevied scholarship by the The Fund for support to the gifted students and young scientists and artists of University of Novi Sad.
She was awarded international scholarships by: The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research, The University in Vienna, The Hague Forum Foundation and The University of Oslo. She also won participation scholarships for international programmes: IPS programmme and The Leadership development programme, which enabled her to get additional education at the Humboldt University in Berlin and attend a seminair at the College of Europe in Bruges.
In 2014 her paper on the topic of “Post-communist transitional society” was awarded first place at the international “Tales of transition” contest in Prague.
Native speaker level of English - I obtained the TEFL Cambridge certificate with MERIT in July 2017. I also passed the CPE University of Cambridge ESOL Examination– Council of Europe level C2 - in December 2011 with the highest grade (A).
Excellent knowledge of German - I passed DAF Perfekt School of German C1 Exam in July 2020 in Novi Sad. I also passed ÖSD B2/2 exam with grade GUT and obtained a certificate by the Language Centre of the University of Vienna in December 2010.
Basic knowledge of Spanish - I obtained Spanish for beginners - certificate by Universidad a Distancia de Madrid as well as the Basic Spanish for English speakers – certificate by Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.
Darija Martinov worked as a scientific researcher on the projects by he Ministry of science and technological development and the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research. She was the project advisor for the FutureLab Europe programme and the European Policy Center in Brussels. Moreover, she was the project coordinator for The Leadership development programme project, and had worked on other NGO projects, but also some in the area of IT.
Darija spent five months working aat the German Parliament (Bundestag) in the office of German Member of Parliament Klaus-Dieter Gröhler. She was working as an intern at the High Court in Novi Sad for three years. She passed The republic of Serbia bar exam in 2014. In addition to that, she spent a year as a teaching assistant and the Head of the Legal clinic for the protection of human rights which she organized.
Bachelor studies
Faculty of Law of the University of Novi Sad, General Master Studies, 2005-2009 -
Master studies
Faculty of Law of the University of Novi Sad, General Master Studies, 2009-2010 -
Doctoral studies
Faculty of Law of the University of Novi Sad, Department of Civil law , 2010-2021 -
Doctoral studies
Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna, Department of European, International and Comparative law - area of Fundamental and Human Rights- , 2011-2019
- D. Martinov, Letters to Europe: refugee women write, Brussels : FutureLab Europe and European Policy Centre, 2017
- D. Marić, Usklađivanje poslovnog prava Srbije sa pravom Evropske Unije, Pravni fakultet u Beogradu, 2011
Journal articles:
- D. Martinov, Ugovor o osiguranju života – pojam i osnovne karakteristike, Evropska revija za pravo osiguranja, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 30 - 50, Nov, 2024
- D. Martinov, Criteria for “effective investigation” in Northern Ireland cases in front of the European Court of Human Rights, SCIENCE International Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 175 - 180, May, 2024
- D. Martinov, The Chechnya cases as an illustration of the way the European court interpreted the procedural obligation under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, SCIENCE International Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 163 - 166, Mar, 2024
- D. Martinov, Commercial contracts and excessive damage – specificities of insurance contracts due to their aleatory character, Evropska revija za pravo osiguranja, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 11 - 19, Nov, 2023
- D. Martinov, Razvoj shvatanja o ekvivalentnosti uzajamnih prestacija kroz pravila o pravičnoj ceni od antičkog doba do početka XX veka, Glasnik advokatske komore Vojvodine, Vol. 95, No. 2, pp. 425 - 452, 2023
- D. Martinov, Evolucija poslovne etike i društveno odgovornog poslovanja sa posebnim osvrtom na period ekonomske krize, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 19 - 44, Dec, 2022
- D. Martinov, P. Teofilović, The creation and development of positive obligations of states signatories of the Europaan Convention for protection of Human Rights and Fundamental freedoms, Civitas, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 419 - 442, Dec, 2022
- D. Martinov, Slučaj McCann and Others v. The United Kingdom i pozitivne obaveze u vezi sa planiranjem i kontrolisanjem operacija organa bezbednosti u skladu sa čl. 2. EKLjP, Glasnik advokatske komore Vojvodine, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 665 - 699, 2021
- D. Marić, Pojam i elementi zelenaškog ugovora, Pravni život, No. 10, pp. 655 - 675, 2019
- D. Marić, Načelo ekonomičnosti i pravo na suđenje u razumnom roku, ZBORNIK RADOVA ODNOS PRAVA U REGIONU I PRAVA EVROPSKE UNIJE, pp. 249 - 272, 2015
- D. Marić, Načelo ekvivalentnosti i prekomerno oštećenje u ugovornom pravu, Zbornik radova pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 889 - 908, 2015
- D. Marić, Klauzula rebus sic stantibus u ugovornom pravu, Pravni život, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 621 - 639, 2015
- D. Martinov, People: Vienna and Novi Sad: So Close, Yet So Far, Transitions online, Vol. 11, No. 18, pp. 1 - 4, 2014
- D. Marić, Zabluda i pravne posledice zablude, Glasnik advokatske komore Vojvodine, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 79 - 106, 2014
Conference papers:
- D. Martinov, Savremeno regulisanje instituta izmene ili raskida ugovora zbog promenjenih okolnosti u pojedinim zemljama Evrope, Dinamika savremenog pravnog poretka, pp. 69 - 82, May, 2024
- D. Martinov, The relationship between the principle of equal consideration and other basic principles in the Law of Obligations - summary, International Scientific Conference Law between the ideal and the reality – collection of summaries, pp. 122 - 123, May, 2023
- D. Martinov, ODNOS NAČELA EKVIVALENTNOSTI I DRUGIH OSNOVNIH NAČELA U ZAKONU O OBLIGACIONIM ODNOSIMA, Tematski zbornik radova sa Međunarodne naučne konferencije Pravo između ideala i stvarnosti, pp. 403 - 416, May, 2023
- D. Marić, Pojam i elementi zelenaškog ugovora, Pravni život, pp. 655 - 675, 2019
- D. Martinov, What is the underlying cause of young people’s disengagement in institutional politics, REVIVING DEMOCRACY FOR A CITIZENS-LED EUROPE: FutureLab Europe Manifesto - 2016, Nov, 2016
- D. Martinov, Migration and Integration just outside the EU borders, Creating a common European future: integration of young migrants in Europe, pp. 23 - 32, Apr, 2015
- D. Marić, Načelo ekonomičnosti i pravo na suđenje u razumnom roku, Zbornik radova Odnos prava u regionu i prava EU, pp. 249 - 272, 2015
- D. Marić, Klauzula rebus sic stantibus u ugovornom pravu, Pravni život, pp. 621 - 639, 2015
Other publications:
- D. Marić, Očigledna nesrazmera u ugovornom pravu, doktorska disertacija, pp. 1 - 393, Pravni fakultet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, 2021
- D. Marić, Excessive use of force by the law enforcement officials in the light of articles 2 and 3 of the European convention on human rights, doktorska disertacija, pp. 1 - 359, Faculty of Law of University of Vienna, Vienna (Beč), 2019
- D. Marić, Europe must act! The refugee crisis in the eyes of young people, Futurelab Europe - empowering young voices, pp. 4 - 6, European Policy Center, Brussels, 2015