

Izdavačka delatnostSingidunum University has an abundant and varied publishing activity. Each year, it publishes dozens of books, manuals, monographs, conference proceedings, translations. So far, we have issued over 200 publications in various scientific fields, most of which are used as course book literature, while minor part is used as references for organized professional training, conferences and seminars. 

We have published course books and practicum for courses envisaged by the University’s curricula. All our course books are improved and revised in accordance with the current knowledge and innovations. Our course books are written in accordance with the applicable European standards, with defined format, and supervised by at least two referees from the relevant scientific field. Their design, content and scope are adjusted to meet the needs of the students.

Course books are included in the overall tuition fees and may be collected up to two months prior to the beginning of every semester. This enables us to considerably improve and modernize teaching and reference books, which makes the publishing activity one of the main pillars of success our institution rests on.

Those who are interested in our editions may find them on our scientific research portal Singipedia, singipedia.singidunum.ac.rs, take them out from the University’s library or buy them at affordable prices. 

One of the University’s editions is the scientific journal entitled “ The European Journal of Applied Economics’’, which was categorized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in 2013, as a journal of national importance (M52).

The Journal is published twice a year and is dedicated to publication of scientific papers in the field of economics, management, tourism, information technology and law. It is available in electronic form on the website www.journal.singidunum.ac.rs.  ASEESTANT platform has been used for paper submission since 2013. 

ASEESTANT is a system for online editing and publication of journals. It allows paper integration in a system of cross-reference (CrossRef DOI) and prevention of plagiarism (CrossCheck). It includes some of the exclusive automated functions designed for quality control: assigning keywords based on international thesaurus, formatting references in accordance with the selected citation style (RefFormatter) and detection of omitted citations in the text and the reference list (CiteMatcher).

A co-publishing agreement with Versita was signed in 2013. Versita was established in 2002 with the aim of publishing the results of scientific research in Central and Eastern Europe. Its publishing programme includes publishing of books and journals with open access (Versita Open). Versita Open includes around 200 journals with open access and it is the second largest publisher of this kind of literature in the world.

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