
Electrical Engineering and Computing

Over the last ten years, significant changes have occurred in the field of modern technology, electrical engineering and computing. The need for electrical and computer engineers in the labour market is increasing significantly. In the past, renowned faculties aimed at educating scientific experts while today's trend is to educate engineers who can immediately join the labour market upon studies. Colleges educate students for applicative purposes, but students do not have enough mathematical and theoretical knowledge to keep pace with the rapid and constant changes in this area and subsequently, have difficulty adapting to frequent changes.

The study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing offers its students the opportunity to learn all the basic principles of electrical engineering combined with modern software tools to practically overcome all that is needed to be able to work in this field.

  • Electrical Engineering and Computing has three options, while the most popular in the market is Software Engineering. Besides classical programming, the students shall also master modern programming techniques, including programming applications for mobile devices, such as smart phone applications.
  • The second study option is Computing and Electronics, which enables students to gain professional skills in the area commonly referred to as hardware. The main advantage of this option is that it places emphasis on programmable hardware where students are trained to programme hardware solutions, and not to deal with components traditionally taught at other faculties.
  • The third study option is Energy Efficiency, which will offer a large number of jobs, mainly due to the need to rationally use energy resources through continuous monitoring and power devices control.

Singidunum University has concluded agreements with the leading companies in the field of electrical and computer engineering and energy efficiency for conducting practical part of the course in their laboratories, and enables students to gain hands-on experience about  real systems and be able to work with the equipment and software tools currently used in Serbia immediately upon graduation.

Upon graduation, students can pursue academic master and doctoral degree studies under the supervision of professors who have outstanding scientific and technical results.

Why should Electrical Engineering and Computing be the first choice of prospective students at Singidunum University?

  • students will acquire skills and knowledge that a good engineer should possess, with substantial theoretical basis.
  • students are trained to implement modern software tools currently used in practice.
  • students are trained to perform attractive and well-paid jobs.
  • Students who complete the study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing will be able to get a job in Serbia or, via the Internet, or work for a great number of renowned international companies.
  • Students who complete the study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing will acquire technical and business skills required in the labour market in Serbia and worldwide within the shortest time possible.


The basic compulsory vocational courses include: Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Physics, Programming 1, Programming 2, Data structures and Algorithms, Operating systems, Fundamentals of Computer Technology, Processor Architecture, Electrical Engineering, Digital and Analog Electronics, Signals and Systems, Control Systems, Telecommunications, Digital and Wireless Communication Systems, Computer Networks, Databases, Internet technologies and Web services, Digital signal and Image Processing. The final exam combines technical and business skills, practical research and business skills. Laboratory exercises and practical work are carried out within partner organizations.
The elective study option, Computing and Electronics is acquired through elective courses: Microcontroller and Microprocessor systems, Mobile communication systems, Computer networks security, Mobile application development Android and iPhone, Multimedia systems, Programmable hardware and embedded systems.
Elective courses in Software Engineering are: Competitive and distributed programming, Digital forensics, Expert knowledge-based systems, Internet programming, Numerical analysis, Real-time systems and Data acquisition.
Energy efficiency is a study option comprising the following courses: Renewable energy, Electric power inverters, Energy economy and Market models, Technical standards and Regulations, Energy efficiency and Energy Management, Power transmission system management.

Students shall learn English throughout all eight semesters. In the third and fourth year of studies, they can choose another foreign language.

The students who successfully complete the study programme Electrical Engineering and Computing are competent to deal with the real-life issues and work as engineers, administrators, developers, assistants, developers, associates, designers and teachers in the field of computer electronics, computer networks, web applications and web design, mobile systems, telecommunications. Also, they are competent to perform the tasks in the domain of automation, measurement, instrumentation and control systems, systems engineering, software engineering, the analysis of signals and systems, multimedia communications, consumer products development, application of programmable circuits, components and equipment, as well as jobs related to audio and video systems processing, audio and television equipment processing etc.

Course books and study materials for the current semester are included in the tuition fee.

The elective courses are available here.

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