
Physical Education and Sport

Physical Education and Sport includes 8 semesters of theoretical and practical lessons for a period of 4 years. After completing all exams, the student will obtain 240 ECTS (credits) and be awarded the title of physical education and sports teacher.

Physical education and sports study program benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Focus on the practical application of the acquired knowledge
  • Work in small groups
  • Flexibility of schedule
  • Additional knowledge in management and marketing in sports
  • Preparation for professional certification in sports

The graduates of Physical Education and Sport study program will be able to think, evaluate, control and conduct wide range of activities pertinent to the field.

Via both theoretical and practical courses, such as, Functional anatomy, Anthropomotorics, Physiology with the Basics of Biochemistry, Pedagogy of Physical Education and Sports, Psychology of Physical Education and Sports, Sports Medicine, Didactics, Children's Sport, Sports Training Methodology, as well as courses related to team and individual sports, such as football , basketball, volleyball, water polo, handball, athletics, judo, karate – our students are provided with the knowledge which makes them competitive for work at educational institutions as well as in sports organizations.

Upon graduation, Physical Education and Sport students can be recruited in the following positions:

  • Physical education teacher at elementary and secondary schools
  • Physical education organizer – for different purposes
  • Instructor in fitness centers
  • Kinesitherapist in rehabilitation centers
  • Personal trainer
  • Coach in sports clubs – at various levels and for various purposes
  • Fitness trainer
  • Sports clubs scout
  • Sports director

Theoretical lessons are held at the Singidunum University Building, Danijelova 32, Belgrade.

Practical classes are held at the premises of the Institute for Sports and Sports Medicine of the Republic of Serbia (small hall, big hall, gym, swimming pool) at Kosutnjak, Belgrade.

The entrance examination at the Physical education and sports study program consists of:

  • writing short essays on the topic of physical culture and sports,
  • a brief interview on additional interest,
  • tests for the assessment of general motor skills
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